@article{oai:nuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002672, author = {藤瀬, 武彦 and 橋本, 麻里 and 長崎, 浩爾 and Fujise, Takehiko and Hashimoto, Mari and Nagasaki, Koji}, journal = {新潟国際情報大学経営情報学部紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {本研究では女子学生の理想体型を明らかにするために、形態数値の明らかな12名の女子学生モデル(BMIが15.5~25.8 kg/m2)の中から理想体型を選択させ、被験者の実測体型との関連についても検討した。被験者は女子学生322名(年齢19.8±1.9歳、身長159.5±5.6cm、体重52.9±7.9㎏、BMI20.8±2.8 kg/m2)であった。アンケートにより理想とする形態数値(数値理想体型)などを回答してもらうとともに、理想体型モデルを選択させてその形態数値を用いて分析した。現状よりも「痩せたい」と回答した女子学生は85.7%(276名)であり、主な痩せたい理由については「スタイルを良くしたい」(37.7%),「太いから」(34.8%),「着たい服があるから」(12.7%)などであった。数値理想体型は、身長161.1±4.6cm、体重48.2±4.6㎏、BMI18.6±1.4kg/m2、バスト85.4±5.5m、ウエスト60.0±4.3cm、ヒップ83.4±5.8cmであり、これらは実測体型それぞれの数値と有意な相関関係が数多く認められた。一方、理想体型モデルの数値は、脚長72.3±2.4cm(理想身長比46.1%)、指極159.1±3.7cm(101.6%)、体重43.8±5.7㎏、BMI17.8±1.9 kg/m2、バスト79.5±3.8cm(50.8%)、ウエスト60.7±2.9cm(38.8%)、ヒップ83.5±3.8cm(53.3%)などであり、これらの数値は実測体型それぞれの数値との間にほとんど有意な相関関係は認められなかった。数値理想体型とともに 理想体型モデルの数値を用いて理想とする体型の数値を求めると、身長161.1㎝、体重46.2㎏、BMI17.8kg/m2、バスト85.4㎝、ウエスト62.5㎝、ヒップ85.9㎝であり、またこれらの他には脚長74.3㎝、指極163.7㎝、上腕囲23.2㎝、前腕囲21.7㎝、大腿囲50.9㎝、下腿囲32.2㎝、足首囲21.7cmなどであった。以上の結果から、形態数値の明らかな理想体型モデルの選択によって日本人若年女性の理想体型のより客観的数値が求められ、この数値は女子学生自身の体型数値とはほぼ無関係であることなどが明らかとなった。, In this study, subjects were asked to select ideal body shapes from among twelve women student models (BMI of 15.5 – 25.8kg/m2) with well-defined body measurements, and the relationship with the subjects’ actual body shape was examined, in order to clarify the ideal body shape of women students. The subjects were 322 women students (age 19.8±1.9yr, height 159.5±5.6cm, weight 52.9 ±7.9kg, BMI 20.8±2.8kg/m2). As well as being asked in a questionnaire to give what they considered to be ideal body measurements (ideal body shape measurements), they were also asked to select a model with an ideal body shape and analysis was carried out based on those body measurements. Eighty-six percent (n=276) of the subjects replied that they wanted to be thinner than they were at present giving the following main reasons: “I want to have a better figure,” (37.7%), “Because I’m too fat,” (34.8%), or “Because there’s something I want to wear,” (12.7%). Ideal body shape measurements were as follows: height 161.1±4.6cm, weight 48.2±4.6kg, BMI 18.6±1.4kg/m2, bust 85.4±5.5cm, waist 60.0±4.3cm, hip 83.4±5.8cm. Many of those were seen to have a significant correlation with actual body shape measurements. On the other hand, measurements of ideal body shape models were: leg length 72.3±2.4cm (46.1% of ideal height), arm span 159.1±3.7cm (101.6%), weight 43.8±5.7kg, BMI 17.8±1.9kg/m2, bust 79.5±3.8cm (50.8%), waist 60.7±2.9cm (38.8%), hip 83.5±3.8cm (53.3%), and virtually no significant correlation was recognized between these measurements and actual body shape measurements. When body shape measurements considered ideal were sought using ideal body shape model measurements along with ideal body shape measurements, the results were: height 161.1cm, weight 46.2kg, BMI 17.8kg/m2, bust 85.4cm, waist 62.5cm, hip 85.9cm, leg length 74.3cm, arm span 163.7cm, upper arm girth 23.2cm, fore arm girth 21.7cm, thigh girth 50.9cm, calf girth 32.2cm, ankle girth 21.7cm. These results show that, through the choice of ideal body shape model with well-defined body measurements, more objective measurements for ideal body shape are sought by young Japanese women and these measurements have virtually nothing to do with the actual body measurements of the women students themselves.}, pages = {1--18}, title = {女子学生における痩せ願望及び理想体型と実測体型との関連について-形態数値の明らかなモデル選択による理想体型の客観的評価の試み-}, volume = {1}, year = {2018}, yomi = {フジセ, タケヒコ and ハシモト, マリ and ナガサキ, コウジ} }