@article{oai:nuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003187, author = {MASUDA, Mizuho and MASUDA, Mizuho}, journal = {新潟国際情報大学 国際学部 紀要, NUIS Journal of International Studies}, month = {Apr}, note = {In response to the emphasis on fostering productive skills described in Courses of Study for junior and senior high schools in their foreign language sections in Japan (MEXT, 2017, 2018), this paper aims at discussing the effectiveness of translation in preparation for speaking tasks in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context especially in Japan, where a foreign language (L2) is learned as a school subject, through the past theoretical and empirical research. Even though translation often entails negative connotations and beliefs, it has started to be considered as having pedagogical advantages (Cook, 2010, 2018). Yet, there are few studies that have investigated its practical use for L2 learning. Since an increasing number of studies have verified effects of using students’ first language (L1) in the L2 classroom, which helps discuss positive aspects of translation use (Hall & Cook, 2012), this paper includes studies on L1 use to understand its functions and purposes as well as those of the translation use, after overviewing the research on planned speaking tasks. In conclusion, it is suggested that allowing EFL students to use translation when they prepare for speaking tasks can give them cognitive and affective support.}, pages = {53--66}, title = {Can Translation be a Useful Tool in Preparing Speaking Tasks for EFL Students?}, volume = {5}, year = {2020}, yomi = {マスダ, ミズホ} }